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Here are some useful tools that are available as soon as Krux starts! These are offered as a complement to managing your device and wallets.

Check SD Card

You can check if a SD card can be detected and read by your device and explore its content. If there are too many files to fit on one screen, swipe up or down to navigate between the screens if your device has a touchscreen.

Quickly print a test QR code to check and optimize your printer setup.

Create QR Code

Enter text to create, print or transcribe a QR code that can later be used as an encryption key or passphrase. Swipe left or right to change modes if your device has a touchscreen.

Descriptor Addresses

Verify if an address or list of addresses belong to a wallet without needing to load private keys. Simply load a trusted wallet descriptor from a QR code or SD card.

Remove Mnemonic

This option allows you to remove any stored encrypted mnemonic from the device's internal memory or an SD card. For more information, see Krux Encrypted Mnemonics.

When mnemonics are removed from the device's flash memory, Krux will no longer be able to access them. However, as with most operating systems, the data may still be recoverable using specialized tools. If you stored any important keys with a weak encryption key, it is recommended to use the "Wipe Device" feature below to ensure that the data is irrecoverable.

When mnemonics are removed from an SD card, Krux will overwrite the region where the encrypted mnemonic was stored with empty data. This makes it more secure to delete mnemonics from SD cards using Krux rather than a PC or another device. However, Krux does not have a "Wipe" feature for SD cards; you can find this feature in third-party applications.

Wipe Device

This option permanently removes all stored encrypted mnemonics and settings from the device's internal flash memory. It ensures that the data is irrecoverable, making it an adequate measure to take if any important mnemonics were stored with a weak encryption key.